
25 March 2009

Moneyshot Girl

This was the title of the t-shirt I wore tonight. I think the slutty woman on it made my colleague quite intrigued. 

"Excuse me what means this moneyshot?"

I told him it was really nothing, which only bought me 10 minutes. Then it comes again:

"Moneyshot? What is?"

Me: "Not a good word. Don't type this into Google" ... then ... "Don't type this into Google using your work computer".

He was married 3 weeks ago but I don't think he's ready for this.

Cheesel: don't type this into Google. You won't like what you find.

cuckold the sequel

Let's just call it a "sub-optimal" outcome.

i'll give you cuckold, mate

I have accepted (but not signed) the apartment which is outside town.  I sent an sms to the agent saying I would take it, he confirmed the rate and conditions and I need to sign this afternoon.

So later this morning, I received an sms from another agent regarding an earlier enquiry I made on the web. So I have arranged to see another apartment at 12:30 today.

I am now playing the game. 

Of course, I expect the whole thing to blow up in my face.


I'm going to take the one that's a bit out of town, if they will accept short-term.

My waistline is not going in a good direction and this has a small gym downstairs. That's enough for now. 

Au revoir, gras.

I really think so

This on another website advertising Vietnamese lessons:

"You'll be surprised at how far a little Vietnamese will go." 

On what? A ham sandwich?

It actually reminds me of another scene from yesterday. One of Edwina's tales of derring-doo ended with:
"... and then all the little Vietnamese seemed quite OK with it ..." or something like that.
Me: "Little Vietnamese? Little, eh?
- "Well yes haven't you looked around?" [Stands up, flattens her hand and raises it to chin level] "Most of them probably only come up to here."
"Yes but the term is a bit condescending. I was hoping you'd stop using it, not explain it further with science."

It reminds me of a few days ago when I was saying how annoying I found one of the Russians we're working with. She started shaking her body going "Yes, it does get annoying doesn't it?" to which I replied "It's not his Parkinson's that I find annoying, it's his attitude." 
"OK but it is annoying too, right?"
-- "No. Please stop doing that. It's not funny."
"OK. Fair enough."