We were in a meeting discussing some problems with the ASEAN region and how difficult it is for me to get help from the locals.
Then we talked about some inter-office problems in Hanoi, including the Evil Milkmaid.
My boss leaned over to one of the other execs in the room and said "That's the trouble. They spot some talent in this area and they fucking fuck it royally."
So I'm Talent. Talent that's getting fucking fucked royally, mind, but Talent.
Now let's get one thing clear - my only "talent" is pretending to be humble. So that's what I did.
As he spoke I sat still. I played the role of distracted maiden perfectly ... eyes downcast while she's waiting for her hanky to be picked up. I was humble, yet distracted, yet optimistic, yet calm, yet confident, yet humble.
It took a lot of fucking concentration, I tell you. Humble sucks.
I don't care though. Because I'm Talent. With a capital T.
It's got a nice ring to it. Even when it is getting fucking fucked royally.
Now let's get another thing clear: I get a hell of a lot more criticism in this job than I get praise. I try not to take the former too much to heart ... so really I treat the latter with a similar degree of suspicion.
See? Humble. I've got it down to a tee.