If you are a prepaid customer, Camel Roaming allows you to roam overseas on another network. The overseas carrier has an agreement with your local carrier and they do very clever technology things to allow you to use your prepaid balance whilst abroad.
Last week we were interviewing some technical people for our project. On paper they had very good skills ... engineering degrees, strong telecommunications experience and the like. However, their English is not always up to scratch ... befitting for a developing country.
One of our interviewees was very eager but a little nervous. He wasn't able to answer my questions very well, therein leaving his "on paper" skills on the paper.
My fellow interviewer: "What do you know about Camel?"
Interviewee: "No Camel?
-- "No. What do you know about Camel Roaming?"
Interviewee: [smiling sweetly] "No Camel? Yes. [nods] There are no Camels in Vietnam."
On reflection, I will posit a theory of what was really going on:
Us: "Oh how sweet and naive that our nervous and slightly naive candidate would think we are asking about camels in a job interview."
Him: "Who the fuck are these people? I guess I have to sit here and answer their questions politely, smiling sweetly ... but really ... who the fuck cares if there are camels in Vietnam and why are they asking such stupid questions? They must be fresh off the boat if they are asking such sill questions."