Friday evening 19:30
For some reason my taxi stand had no taxis in it. Instead, there were a couple of tanks parked there.
I looked left:
I looked right:
Then an ojek (illegal motorbike taxi) driver in a yellow t-shirt cheerily jumped into the frame.
I took a close-up him before jumping on the back of his bike with my laptop bag and shopping. Looks safe, doesn't he?

The trip could be best described as "knocking the potato's elbows and bags into lots of stuff - mostly other traffic".
Later I found out that the reason for all the security was that the Swiss Ambassador was meeting the Indonesian President nearby. My colleague explained that because Switzerland houses much of Indonesia's wealth, so they take such matters seriously.
Saturday 16:00, the noodle shop downstairs from the gym.
If you've only got enough money for one artwork to adorn your entire noodle store, why not commission a picture of the Ku Klux Klan enjoying your fare?
Sunday Morning, Harvey Nichols
I forgot to take a photo of the t-shirt on the other side, which was even better. It simply said "Cowboys are cooler than Ninjas"
Sunday afternoon, Grand Indonesia
Athletes advertising Reebok.
The age of Sharipova is finally over and we are now embracing the idea of grimacing lesbians endorsing global brands. A fugly way to move product.
A whole city dedicated to Cheesel.
Friday evening, 22:00, beside Loewy's bar and restaurant
Overheard at the bowling green:
"Trish, what's Anthony up to now? Last I heard he had moved to Vietnam."
-- "Oh Madge - he's living in Indoneeeesia now! He's always been interested in other cultures and it sounds like he's really fitting in well."
"That's lovely. I bet he's a hit with the ladies."
All this - and I haven't even included the circumcision or my house warming.