
05 May 2009

Stil smiling

Two fantastic things happened when I got home this evening.

Firstly, I checked my Stilnox box to see how much I had left from the prescription. Trays just kept tumbling out ... it was like a Tardis for drug addicts. I still have 28 left from the original 20! Of course I recognise how tragic this excitment is, but there you are. 

You gotta love those French doctors:  they totally respect the need to tranquilise, pacify, stupefy, mollify and otherwise medicate their population on request. I think France used to have the highest per capita rate of prescriptions in the world and I think my new doctor would have done her bit I'm not sure if it's still on the podium but I do like my new doctor. I felt so Hollywood as I pulled out tray after tray of pills. It was like a Heath Ledger before shot.

Secondly, my cleaners still love me, even after yesterday morning (in a  mot pas) I greeted the shy 22yo cleaner with a hearty "Good Morning Grandpa".

I found this hand-written note was on my coffee table when I got home.

On first reading I thought it was cute. However, I am now starting to fear that they are having creepy daydreams about me writhing around on a non-stick bath mat. And I don't know why.

Who the Heller You Callin' Chickeny?

Today I went to a local street vendor and ordered Chicken and Rice. It was my third choice, due to the rule in Vietnam that potatoes are not allowed to be given their first choice.

The chicken leg was covered in so much orange sauce and I didn't realise for some time that chicken leg I'd been gnawing on was almost completely raw. I think my diet is about to get a kickstart. 

On the subject of chicken ... when you want to call someone stupid in Vietnamese you say they they are Gà lắm, which translates to "chickeny".  So if you think it means they are as dumb as a chicken, but "chickeny" is so much better. Such a great word I can't imagine being insulted by it.

Stay tuned for an update on my salmonella, which is being slowly digested. (I think I just felt it kick.)