Every now and then, someone will bring their kid into the office. This is usually during school holidays or some other time when they can't arrange childcare at short notice. It was pretty common in Australia and even Vietnam, where every 6 months or so would be some type of "kids in the office" day. Wot larks.
Nothing unusual about this, right?
Nothing schmuthing
This toddler is being stalked. As he runs along the corridors and between desks, there is someone trailing behind him, wearing a stained yellow t-shirt and looking like an insolent teenager. Come to think of it, she probably is an insolent teenager.
Tha't's right. This toddler comes with a nanny. A bored nanny.
Aren't you supposed to bring kids to work because you have run out of childcare options? What's with the nanny? Why doesn't she take her toddler and her plain face to the mall? Why? Why?
It's confounding.
On the subject of nannies though ... in Indonesia they are quite common. At "nice" restaurants it's not uncommon to spot the family sitting there and the nanny in tow to attend to the child(ren). Sometimes there is a kids table and a couple of uniformed nannies serving them.
Even the gym offers childcare. Just dump your kid in the bright yellow room and a grim nanny appears to look after him.
Because that's the thing: Indonesian nannies are always grim.
Bored and grim, in fact.
Or more accurately ... bong-smokingly bored and infanticidally grim.