I Don't Heart Finland
I have worked with 2 Finns this year, a sample size which allows me to make the following conclusions:
a) Finnish people are lazy
b) Finnish people are fucking lazy
c) I hate working with fucking lazy Finns
Theirs is a lethargy so potent that it has been drowning my workplace in a swill of unreturned emails, overdue actions and incomplete documents.
My colleague, Dedi, used to work for Nokia Indonesia and he confirmed my suspicions. Nokia is not just mobile phones - Finland's largest company owns a big chunk of the market in telecommunications infrastruture - including GSM networks and mobile towers and the like.
Dedi told me that Nokia ruined Finland's work culture. For over 15 years they provided millions of well paid, cushy jobs to plump white giants.
Ironically, the sun shone for a long time in Finland. Nokia's products sold themselve and the Nokia folk in HQ were given highly paid jobs with little accountability. So says Dedi.
Whenever Nokia Indonesia needed to bring Finnish people onto their project, deadlines were missed and tasks were only half done. Although I find it hard to believe this was purely because of the Finns ... it sounds very much business as usual in these parts.
As with most lazy people, I quite like Finnish people on a personal level. They are always willing to participate in fattening things like eating peanuts, drinking beer and lying around. Unfortunately, they also combine this with minimal sun exposure which means that most Finns come off looking a bit Downsy.