
03 March 2011

The Importance Of Planning In Indonesia

What I looked at for 2 hours today, as I waited for the workshop to resume after lunch.



[in-ter-met-soh, -med-zoh]
–noun, plural -mez·zos, -mez·zi
a short dramatic, musical, or other entertainment of light character, introduced between the acts of a drama or opera.
a short musical composition between main divisions of anextended musical work.
a short, independent musical composition.

The first time I heard the word "intermezzo" dropped into casual conversation, it was during a catch-up with my CEO.

"If you would allow me a brief intermezzo ..."

I thought it was an lovely way to introduce an anecdote, even one that turned out to be boring.

Our CEO is very well educated and his English is excellent. I had images of him at the opera in Singapore ... it has to be Singapore because Jakarta has no opera. He turns to his wife at interval and says "Wasn't that intermezzo between Act 2 and Act 3 just delightful!"

Since then--once or twice--I've thought I heard someone say this word and assumed I misunderstood.

Not so this morning. During a meeting someone clearly asked me:

"Anthony do you mind if I intermezzo?"

There was no mistake this time. He had both used it and upgraded it to a verb.

Consistent with the CEO, he rouned it out with a long-winded, irrelevant observation which distracted the room.

Then I realised. This wasn't English. This wasn't even Italian. This was Bahasa. The Indonesians have taken this word and made it their own.



[in-ter-met-soh, -med-zoh]
–noun, plural -mez·zos, -mez·zi
a short, dramatic interruption to a boring meeting. Designed to distract the facilitator away from discussing anything important.
a long winded, endless anecdote that comes out of nowhere. Often alludes to
photocopiers and printers.
a form of Tourette's Syndrome, using allegories.

At this point I would like to intermezzo.

I just did a google search on 'Jakarta Opera' and found a review "The Magic Flute" from a local production, last November:

"Although using minimal stage props, the lighting and costumes made for a stunning visual experience."

Make no mistake - this quote was placed directly underneath the photo. I don't know which bit they were looking at.

I think that this opera business (and indeed this whole intermezzo business) is best left to Singapore.