The Swine Flu should be here in about 3 hours. It is probably standing at the luggage carousel right now and the Vietnamese government will take 6 months to admit that it has arrived. By that time we will all have it.
This afternoon I went shopping for piggy food to eat during the flu: mostly comfort food and a few veggies that respond well to deep frying. Can't wait.
I just read this tragedy from Australia:

"A total of 35 Victorians have now been tested for influenza."
Firstly, the real tragedy is that it should be "has been tested", not "have been tested". Secondly ... I mean ... it's Victoria ... so I couldn't care less.
Since the WHO increased the severity level today, CNN has also been going nuts. Anyone with a sore throat and a Mexican accent is getting a go on the tellie ... I just saw a clip with this woman talking about when she was sick last year:
"... and now I am thinking it was probably Swine Flu because I could feel it up here in my chest ... and I was wheezing and had a fever ..."
Oh, and I am not going to call this the Swine Flu. It's the Pig Flu. Pig.