
06 November 2009

Daft Proposals

I had a client meeting this morning. It was to walk through a draft proposal.

The proposal itself is boring. It's offering something very important to the client. I think it's very good. I also know it is very boring.

Many consultants leave their first meeting with a new client and announce "Oh this client doesn't have a clue about anything". I'm not one of those people. I can't stand it when people do it. This client, however, is truly stupid. Fact.

For a lot of reasons too dull to go into, the proposal needed to be clearly marked as a draft. I did this by slapping a large watermark with the word DRAFT on every page.

Then Word decided to have a tantrum and the little fucker wouldn't stop crashing. After a protracted wrestling match I eventually put Word into a headlock and printed the copies out.

Seems the printer was in on it. This was what came out.

I figured that I would be the only one to notice - certainly the only one to care - and besides I had run out of time. So I took 4 copies of my Daft Proposal to the meeting.

As we were walking through the proposal, and the client started asking a series of typically stupid questions, I disobediently said to myself "Daft, daft, daft" and smirked.