I hope it doesn't spell the end of restaurants such as this:

The Chinese characters say "restaurant". While the English translation beside it tells us that the online translation tool wasn't working.
The best part ... is that even this computer error message was grammatically incorrect. If it was my on-line Chinese/English free translation tool, I would have the decency to word it as "Server translation error".
Translate server error. I'm gettin' hungry just thinking about it.
It reminds me of this photo I took in Jakarta at a local Pharmacy. Just yesterday, in fact.
Just what was going on during their Marketing workshop?
Who decided the condoms should be called "Virgin"? Whose idea was it to have a coloured symbol on the front of the box which looks like a pair o legs? Whose idea was it for the legs to be spread?
What is the advertising strapline? "Virgins. One more fuck won't count."
What are the target customers saying to each other after the purchase? "How's about we grab a pack o virgins and go find ourselves some sluts"?
There's also this brand, below, which I found in Hanoi. It sits in the "suggest sell" area at my local supermarket, next to the chewing gum beside the checkout. I imagine this Marketing workshop was run quite differently.
"Buy 12 Long Shock Condoms and -- well -- expect something unusual to happen." Fuck knows what.