Met the new landlord. We argied. And we bargied. Then I signed the lease.
At one point I tried to look intent and negotiatingly ... which is like "lovingly" for relaxed but serious businessmen like me. But I don't think they bought it. I don't think my body language was smooth enough, eg my inelegant trajectory when lifting the glass from table to lips.
Lesson: come with a laundry list of stuff you want in the apartment and use them as bargaining chips.
But I managed to get a 1-month termination agreed, but he insisted it was both ways. I guess that's fair but I still ensured that the wording of the English version (which I updated on my computer, casually smiling and relaxed) would protect my interests, give only me the power to terminate the lease, and make it hard for him to rip me off.
He seemed nice though: very strong hair gel and random rhinestones on his jeans.