This is the same person who pretends that he can't understand my Vietnamese swearwords, in an attempt to rattle my confidence so that I don't use them. We get along very well.
We have another guy, R, who is working with us. He has excellent English, a good sense of humour and a fairly strong Portuguese accent. He also works with H and they don't always get along.
We were at lunch yesterday and I commented that I think H's English seems to be improving since we started this project ... albeit quite slowly. But there is definite improvement and it's not just in our ability to understand the accent.
R said [with strong Portuguese accent] "Oh yes - maybe. Probably his English has improved but even cunts are evolved."
The way he said it, I thought he had said "even cunts are evolved". Especially given that he and H don't always see eye to eye. I was shocked ... until then I thought we were having a pleasant conversation and then this, out of the blue, delivered with a smile.
Me: "What? R what did you call H?"
R: "'Even cancer evolved'."
Me: "Oh. That's not what I heard I thought you were being mean to H."
R: "What did you hear?"
Me: "Something else. Never mind."