I had my introductory meeting with Trang this evening. What a piece of work she turned out to be.
Our meeting was planned for 11am.
At 10:30 I received an sms saying "I am still doing things so how about later, like 4?"
At 10:35 I replied that, yes, 4pm is ok .
At 10:37 Trang responded with: "Thanks...! I will be there abt 4:30 and 5. See you then."
By 16:55 there was no sign of Trang. I call her phone and there as no answer.
I recall Trang's website, which offers 30 minutes free with every lesson. I couldn't work out what happens in these 3o minutes but now I know: she uses them to run late.
At 17:05 Trang turns up, rings the doorbell a few times too many, smiles briefly, leaves her heels on and shakes my hand quickly as she trots in. I admire her grooming and her pluck.
We sit down. I offer her the seat across from me at the dining room table but she says she prefers to sit next to me. I am about to offer her a glass of water when she bursts out of the blocks.
"So you want to just learn survival Vietnamese or you want to be perfect?"
Me: "Well, I am staying here a long time. 2 years. So I want to learn properly, with structure. Not just basic."
[She couldn't look more bored if she tried.]
Her: "So you want perfect? Reeeally?"
Me: "Ok. Umm. Yes. Perfect, I s'pose."
Her: "No it's too hard for you. Too difficult to learn perfect. Just basic Vietnamese is good ... [Then, get this] ... "Anyway I only have 15 workbooks and I have to give you one if you learn proper Vietnamese. So you will do basic survival I think."
Me: Yes but I know how to learn a language--"
Her: "It will be fine. Survival and conversation. No problem."
She then tells me how she hates having to think up all the different scenarios for teaching survival Vietnamese so hopefully my homework can include me thinking up some scenarios for us to practice with, too. She then complains how tired she feels this afternoon.
I get the feeling that this is not quite her calling.
Trang: "When you would like your lessons?
Me: "Saturday if possible." [I notice she screws up her face.] "Is that OK? What's up? Not good?"
She starts to look like she's sulking.
Her: "Saturday..? Awww...! But I want to hang out with my friends!"
An awkward silence appears. I am not liking Trang's tone at all: she's behaving like a hooker who turns on you the minute she's been paid ... I automatically feel for my wallet to check it's still there.
Her: "OK then, Saturday." [I notice a slight turning of the nose, as if she thinks someone has farted but is not quite sure.] "When do you want to meet next?"
Me: "Umm ... next week please."
Her: "No. I'm too busy. We start in 2 weeks. OK?" [Fishes around in her bag.] "Here. Take these papers and learn them. Your homework." [She thrusts some photocopies into my hand.]
Me: "OK. Thanks then. See you in two weeks."
Her: "I go now. First give me a glass of water."
[Stockholm kicks in and I start to nod and smile obsequiously as I head for the fridge.]