
21 March 2009

Dinner conversation

"Those fucking ball-breaking women in senior management positions don't need to be like that. Someone should have pulled them aside much earlier in their career and had a word with them."

"So then I see this bird and she's - like - 15 out of 10 you know? Her jeans were practically painted onto her."

"Do you follow cricket mate? No? How about golf? No? Rugby? Um. Oh. Just tennis then? That reminds me of a time I went to see Ana Kournikova play and we were so close you could see the beads of sweat running down her leg."

I may add more when I've recovered.


Benny said...

Sound like he has issues with his mother or was dumped one to meny times.

I guess his little wife is home changing the kids poopy nappies telling the then how luckey they are that Daddy is out making lots of money.

The perfect family.

Would you like fries with that McMansion?

SinBBQ said...

ben is there anything you would like to share with the group?