
22 March 2009

B - I - NGO

About a week ago I had a meeting with someone who is normally very reserved and disagreeable. At least, she is with me. The issue was fairly complicated and after slowly going through it in detail, with a few laboured language struggles, she suggested a solution that I thought was spot on.

My response: "Bingo" (thumbs up).

Her response: Spontaneous laughter and a softening around the eyes.

I have since used "Bingo" a few times with different people, male and female , in each case receiving a positive response.

I feel like Alexander Fleming when he discovered penicillin: don't know why it works, but it does, so use it for everything. I likewise expect that people will soon build up resistance to my techniques. Until then, though, it's a sweet ride. Bingo makes everyone happy.


SinBBQ said...

Whne the power of Bingo starts to fade you could always spice it up with a slight twist on words and go with Bing-GAY!! The drag quees and have been using it for years and still brings smiles to hundreds of sydney boys and girls and boy-girls..

SinBBQ said...

Ben stop logging in as me and leaving notes.