R:OMG. I just heard that A made a huge fuck-up on the software development without telling anybody
Me: huh? what does that mean?
R: A has just pushed all these errors under the rug without telling anyone and now it's becoming a deadline issue.
R: Edwina discovered it
R: She licked all the skin off her lips as she told me
Me: why did he cover it up though?
Me: were the errors spotted by anyone else before now?
Me: did she REALLY lick her lips alot when telling you?
R: his reasons were that the errors were 'just how we work'
R: it was horrible
R: she was so proud of herself
Me: anyway please don't get involved in this. It will just suck up your time and is not your problem.
R: I know.
R: i feel like working at fusion
Me: go and do it then.
Me: what would it matter where you are working?
R: it would be far more comfortable
Me: agreed. then go.
R: it doesn't really matter, you're right.
R: testing looks like it is in hand
Me: it's probably more valuable for you to leave than to stay.
Me: you can focus better
Me: i really think you should go to now
R: cool
Me: take the oppty while the people are out at lunch.
Me: it's important to focus.
R: ok
Me: you've got a lot to do
R: thanks boss
Me: and there is a risk of getting distracted there in the office
Me: seriously - it's a much better environment to churn through your work.
R: then my boss said - "go to fusion and smoke sheesha" and i said - sure boss
R: it isn't distracting at all there
Me: you know what's so funny though?
R: what?
Me: how happy you are that you think i really believe all that shit i just said
Me: how you think i'm finally convinced about all your crap about going to fusion for the work
R: huh?
Me: so convinced by your stirring logic that i'm now sprouting my own lines of support …
R: fuck you
Me: what rubbish.
R: are you taking the piss?
Me: you were lapping it up because you wanted to believe it!!!
Me: read back our dialogue
R: whatever
R: you are an egg
Me: what I wrote is my idea of what YOU would want me to think, but not what I think at all
R: i hate you
Me: i don't blame you for wanting to believe it
Me: did you read back?
R: yes
Me: are you going red?
Me: haha
R: i thought it was a bit unusual
Me: yes but you WANTED to believe it didn't you?
R: yes.......
Me: your head was overwhelmed by your heart
Me: the endorphins that my words were releasing ... the pleasure ...
R: you fucked with me
R: hahaha
Me: ... all finally seemed rigiht with the world
R: the birds were chirping
Me: it all seemed so right.
R: you were right though. i should go
Me: well of course you have my full support as you know
Me: i've really enjoyed this chat.
R: i'm glad you got something out of it
Me: so did you.
Me: ... for just a brief while ...
R: emotional peaks and troughs
R: a bit of tension. resolution.
R: not a bad thing
Me: ... you got to experience a perfect moment
Me: hold on to that part.
R: you are so proud of yourself
Me: no R
Me: i'm proud of you.
R: whatever
R: go away
Me: good answer tough guy
R: gotta run. I need a smoke.
Me: derrr