
13 February 2010


For the past 5 years (or so) I have harboured a little plan to dine at El Bulli one day.

Needless to say I'm very disappointed by the news that it will be closing down next year. This will make it almost impossible to get a seat before it closes.

So I've decided to appeal to the goodwill of the auteur of a certain Spanish themed blog. Perhaps he could appeal on my behalf? I have asked him to return to the blogosphere and make a series of updates which have a slightly Catalonian bias. Mention of historical food trends will also be highly regarded.

In a few months I will write to the management of el bulli and tell them i have a 14 yo nephew whose short life's dream it is to go to Spain and eat at El Bulli, using the blog as proof of his obsession with Spain (the latter being true of course).

If this succeeds, we're both going to eat there. If he fails, he may find his oboe scholarship drying up as well.

I pitched this idea to him today. At first he resisted for all the right reasons: ethics, his truepassion for Spain, the importance of truth blah blah blah. I tuned out, patiently waiting for him to draw breath, then clearly outlined the concept of "cash for comment". Once he realised the financial upside for himself, the ethical barriers dissolved quicker than a valium in vodka.


Cheesel said...

Hope you get there! I remember your results from Monash Uni as:
HD in SPA11; D in SPA12 so at last you can get some use from these diligent studies.

Anonymous said...

hey.. i'm coming too!! i'm pushing the little fucker as well..Peter