
10 February 2010

How "Moving"

looks like i'm off.
to jakarta.
to live.
officially from 1 april.
(april fool me once.)


Benny said...

I am so happy that I just had a little cry (boo hoo little baby neets a nappy).

Congratualtions on the news, finally.

I wish I had have gotten onto your blog earlier to find out.

Snaps to you. x

La Reina de las Lineas Longas said...

brilliant! Well done... can't wait to hear more.

nancy1 said...

yay! thank god you're leaving that woeful city.

SinBBQ said...

i have a feeling - nay, the knowledge - youse are all just waiting for the next miserable installment. i've extracted just about as much horror as hanoi could cough up, so i guess that's why everyone is so happy.

SinBBQ said...

oh and another thing. my friends are not just a bunch of cunts -- they're not even my friends.

Benny said...

I will have you know that I am not just a cunt, I am a man-cunt, thank you very much. And another thing, I would appricieate it if you did not swear.