
01 April 2011

Praise You Like I Should

This article explains little about Fika's motivations, but does explain why last night's traffic was so bad.

I'm quite fond of Fika, I have to say. And I have such a clear image of last night:

... his colleagues form a dark blue uniformed cluster around the base of a unsecured ladder. You can see "SECURITY" embroidered boldly on their backs as they inspect the tree like a bunch of gormless twits
... a mob of chanting monkey disciples provides a fitting soundtrack.
... one of the guards gets inspired and climbs halfway up the ladder to toss bananas, like a vertical version of Horseshoes. A banana eventually gets stuck on a twig and the ladder wobbles as he descends, gingerly.
... the traffic groans to a standstill and morphs into a long, thin carpark.

It's Monkey Madness!!!

Jakarta is not a tourist city but there is always something interesting going on, with or without Fika. Take this other story for example, which is Also Good.


Cheesel said...

This story is crap. I have used the toilets in the Grand Mosque and, although I never actually sat on the bowl, there is no way of getting a foot caught whilst s(h)itting on the seat.Dramatic way to have a sicky.

Cheesel said...

Correction: although I didn't actually sit on the bowl or although I never actually sit on the bowl.

nancy1 said...

you're like derryn hinch, cheesel!

La Reina de las Lineas Longas said...

Now this is what I call NEWS! Far better than the SMH