
23 February 2010

Joke Of The Year

"This guy walks into a bar ... and then ... I forgot most of the joke but your Mom is a whore.


There is a Facebook group called "All Rapists Should Be Hung".

I think they mean "hanged".

Word of the Diet

Urban Dictionary's Word of the Day:
"Stealth Abs"
When your ripped six pack is covered by a thick layer of fat.
Suggested usage:
"This isn't a beer belly, it's my stealth abs. I just needed to avoid attracting too many ladies with my well defined stomach."
So I'm not getting fatter, I'm getting craftier. Perhaps more modest (if that's possible). Either way I'm glad we cleared that up.
My own take on it:
"These stealth abs are making it quite difficult to touch my toes ... and to see them.