
21 September 2011


Garuda is Indonesia's flagship carrier. 

In 2007 it was banned from all European airports due to safety concerns. This was very embarrassing for Garuda (and for Indonesia) and they underwent a significant revamp of their aircraft, service and safety. 

In 2009 Europe let them back in.

Today a colleague sent me a link about the new Garuda, where they are groping applicants to ensure no (explosive) breast implants. My favourite quote:
"She declined to be named, saying she was still waiting to hear whether she had got a job after the tests last month."

It reminded me of another recent in-flight incident: photos of a Cathy Pacific flight attendant blowing her co-pilot. Favorite quote this time is a headline from China:
"Cathay Pacific: pilot, stewardess fired after cockpit orgies."

Another favourite comes from the Virgin Atlantic crew member who thought he was using the internal communication system and announced "Wake up you cunts" on the flight from Orlando.  I tried to find out more information about this by googling the words VIRGIN CUNTS ... big mistake on a heavily monitored work computer.