
23 March 2009

bait and switch

In consulting there is a phrase called "Bait and Switch", where the A Team (the "bait") is heavily involved in the sales and solution process and very impressive to the client. Once the contract is signed, the A Team go onto other sales opportunities and are "switched" with the B Team. The B Team is typically a group of lesser workers; often distinguished by worse clothes, worse hair, worse work ethic and a happier home life.

I think I'm being baited and switched with these apartments.

Truc Bach Lake. The first time I am shown an apartment I love. The next day I ask for it, only to find that it's priced 50% above the maximum price I gave to the agent. By way of coincidence, though, there happens to be one in the same building which is within my range. I  go and see it but it is much lower quality. 

Tong Duy Tan. The second time I am shown an apartment which I love. Within hours I start asking to negotiate price and rent conditions and am told it may be now given to someone else who saw it earlier. By way of coincidence, my agent happens to another one in the same building. I go and see it but it is much lower quality. 

Perhaps I should just take the one which was the river (with a gym downstairs) and hire a motorbike to ride the 10-15 min get into town? Or hold out for something else closer to the city ... 

Fuck fuck fuck.


Benny said...

I would old out for another week Nancy. Be patient grasshopper, take your frustration out on that stupid tooth paste bitch.

SinBBQ said...

i'm ramping up the search now. actually would prefer to move before the weekend.

tomorrow is my 4 week anniversary.