
17 March 2009


Засада, or "zasada", is the Russian word for ambush.

All sorts of mixed messages today. I'm yet to work out what they all mean but they don't add up. I'm currently getting a whole bunch of different requests from the client to do things in different ways. 

Some new people turned up from Moscow yesterday and tried to change everything .

And now another new Mystery Moscovite turned up and I have been requested to see him at 3. Fuck knows why.

I can now say that I am been spied on by Russians. So 70's, So Zhivago, So Cold War.

Back to the Засада. 

The ambush occurred last night when I was asked to attend a meeting after my workshop. I arrived in the boardroom to see the Russian CEO, Russian  CMO, Russian  CIO, Russian  COO, 2 Russian consultants and one local double agent. They sat me down in a central chair across from the CEO. He smiled, leaned forward and said "So, Andrew, tell us how your workshops are going ...". 


I leaned back and maintained eye contact. I resisted the urge to ask for a cigarette and a phone call. I tried to quickly guess his agenda. I launched into my spiel: "Well it's normal to feel worried at such an early stage of the project ...". (Take your Засада and shove it up your arse, Boris.)

Non sequitur of the day: the German word for ambush is Hinterhalt.

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