
01 June 2009

Went to Market

I ride past Truc Bach every day on my way to work and on each occasion I think of the images of John McCain being ... umm ... let's call it "liberated" from its depths. 

Truc Bach is actually a very small lake quite close to the old quarter of Hanoi. It's so bizarre to think that the Americans were able to get so close to Hanoi and bomb the fuck out of it for ... umm ... some good reason or other.

Yesterday as I was driving along Truc Bach lake I had a different purpose. I was trying to catch this guy in front of me so that I could film him. 

He was hunched over and weaving in and out of traffic, gunning it.

In case you're wondering, they're pigs. Lots of pigs.


alexandra s.m. said...

they look like deflating dolls to me? Are you sure this isn't related to your previous post in any way? gets crazier by the hand in nam?!


alexandra s.m. said...

by the "day"..."hand"? Gee!

alexandra s.m. said...

I just got the title of your post! hahaha!

nancy1 said...

them some fine lookin pigs you got there, make me all sweaty jus thinkin about em.

Lisa said...

Thong!! That looks like very dangerous shenanigans you're up to there.I suggest you do one thing at a time. Young Man.

SinBBQ said...

some o' them pigs sure had pretty mouths there nancy.