
02 April 2010

This Just In

On Friday I received this email from Trang, the HR professional who was dealing with (then denying knowledge of), my pay issue.

She sent it to the entire company.

Subject: [Diversity] Branding Women: How to Look Professional

Dear Ladies,

Our physical appearance, our words, and our actions express to others the person we are within. I am sure that every working woman desires a look that promotes a feeling of polished and professional competency. A professional look includes clothes, hair, makeup, and accessories that work together to create a professional image.

You are invited to the roundtable “How to Look Professional”, specially designed for our female employees (male employees are welcome, too, of course), facilitated by Ms. Phuc. Make up experts are also here to share with us how to make best use of make-up to look professional and complete for a hard day at work (please bring your make up package with you to the roundtable too).
Time: 4.00PM – 5.30PM, Apr 02, 2010 (today)

See you all there!

Best Regards,

This must be what time travel feels like. It sounds like a June Dally Fucking Watkins brochure from the 70's. And I mean the early 70's.

I especially love how this is Vietnam's interpretation of a diversity initiative. If HQ saw this they would die.

The above does not mention the role of men, but it implies it. I should have turned up and played my part - sitting in the corner leering, with a hand down my pants.

I've seen these women. Make up experts? We should have spent the money on dentists.

They've got good tits though. Fucking right on! Yeah!

1 comment:

La Reina de las Lineas Longas said...

This is pretty brilliant. I would like to see you tooking "professional" can we have a picture please?

Also: Ms Phuc .... heheheh