
10 April 2010

To Whit

As I watch this I just can't help thinking about the journey he took to this destination.

I see a full-length mirror. Mum's wig. An unflattering red dress. And some minstral makeup mishaps.

Sure, it's better than Teen vietnam sing The show perfect and so surprise!. But only just.


nancy1 said...

whitney houston and standing cats aside ...
mr b, you are a bit of an honourary pole. i am sure that readers are waiting for your reaction to the tragic news from poland. what incredible bad luck -- such a large chunk of the ruling elite taken out in one plane crash. who would have thought. what a quelle dommage.
thank god the prime minister is still standing -- for now.
poor lech aleksander ... the odd crowded hour ... perhaps he shoud've stuck with being a child star. (i have many more suggestions if people are interested.)

Anonymous said...

thank god i thought you said menstrual mishaps. regards, carrie pants.

SinBBQ said...

shut up carrie pants aka nancy.

Cheesel said...

This could be pure gold for Whitney with her latest failures on stage. Remember the scene in Singing in the Rain where Kathy was on the hidden microphone behind the stage curtain whilst Lena was lip-syncing out front?

Anonymous said...

and naughty old fred and gene had to bloody well ruin the whole bloody carefully constructed ruse.
carrie p