Relaxing, surfing the internet and listening to music.
I think he forgot to mention "eating pizza" but it's clearly implied in the subtext. I mean ... can't you already see him sitting at home?
This honesty was so inspiring that I immediately asked HR to schedule an interview. He has no chance at getting the job but I'm dying to see what he looks like. Srsly.
Last month I had to write my own bio and "hobbies" was once of the sections in the form. Every new employee to Indonesia has to do this - a monthly email is sent to all employees with their photos and descriptions. I tried to wriggle out of it, claiming illness (pigment deficiency syndrome) but HR insisted. Laughed, then insisted. I was really stumped by the "hobbies: section.
I tried and tried to think of something to say.
Then I realised. I have no hobbies. How did it get to this? How could I have no hobbies?
No one knows me here so I decided to make some up.
I picked rowing and swimming. That's right. I submitted my HR form with false claims of swimming and rowing. Srsly.
Actually I prefer relaxing, surfing the internet and spending time with friends but I couldn't put that ...
The real me is much closer to my interview candidate than the HR me. He's my mirror. And I will judge this mirror harshly. And I wlil not give him a job. No matter how good he is. Because who can trust a man with no hobbies? Srsly.
I hope he's fatter than me.
What about fishing ? That's a really good hobby. And you could share it with me, we could bond over fishing.
This leaves me repulsed on so many levels:
Fishing ...
Bonding with Lisa ...
Sharing ...
I think something more obscure. Whittling? Bell Ringing? Or maybe Moth breeding (Silence of the Lambs).
You forgot drinking.
i don't know -- i think getting maggot is more your art than your hobby.
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