
05 August 2010

A Clown

I was asking a colleague yesterday if he knew who Maria was. I forget exactly how the opportunity to ask about her arose, but it did.

I noticed a wry smile as he nodded and said that, yes, he did know her.

"Is something funny?"

-- "Nothing. No. Just Maria is ... very interesting." [chuckle]

"Do you think she's a bit eccentric?"

-- "Yes. I think so. Very eccentric."

It's hard to get details out of Indonesians - especially those of the polite Javanese variety. But I will. Eventually.

Let's signal this moment as the launch of my fact finding mission.


Lisa said...

I think you love Maria.

nancy1 said...

I think she's The One.

La Reina de las Lineas Longas said...

This investigation will be the pivot point, the start of Act II in this story, that will lead you into 'behind the looking glass' ... Can't wait!

SinBBQ said...

@Lisa - of course I am. So are you.

@Nancy - clearly is.

@Reina - I doubt she will disappoint.

@Twitter - get me.