
06 August 2010

The Meeting

"How did the meeting go with XL go?"

-- "We haven't had it yet."

"But we said you would definitely have it yesterday."

-- "Yes originally it was."

"Actually originally it was supposed to ... why didn't it happen? It was already long overdue."

-- "Yes but then I heard that Felix was on leave for the rest of this week."

"Who is Felix?"

-- "He's the new analyst."

"Do you need Felix to hold this meeting?"

-- "No but he was invited and maybe he would like to know what we decide."

"But last time you delayed the meeting it was because Amir was on leave. And before then it was Prakash. We were originally supposed to have this in mid July and finish the project by today."

-- "Oh yes, but maybe Felix will be back Monday and we will have it then."

"Is everyone else available Monday?"

-- "Yes I think so."

"Think so? Did you check with them?"

-- "No."

"Can you check with them?"

-- "Yes."

"Will you?"

-- "Will I what?"

"Check with them. Check with people that they are available to meet on Monday. If not, tell me who is not available ... but we will need to have the meeting anyway. "

-- "Oh. Sure."

"So how can you check that they will be available?"

-- "Well it's Monday and people should all be back by then anyway so don't worry."

"But that is not a guarantee they are available."

-- "No. But hopefully it will be ..."

"Please phone them as well."

-- "OK. I'll send an email."

"And phone?"

-- "Phone?"

"Yes. Also check by phoning them."

-- "You mean today?"

"Yes. Before lunch please. Phone them ."

-- "Everyone?"


-- "But Felix is on leave."

"OK. Everyone except Felix. Call Felix Monday morning."

-- "Sure boss."

Postscript: Monday was postponed to Tuesday because Felix was not answering his phone.


La Reina de las Lineas Longas said...

It's like Quantum Mechanics? Movement on a sub-atomic scale is still movement...

SinBBQ said...

I think it's more like mechanics. Just when you think it's a simple fix, there's some other problem crops up.

alexandra s.m. said...

Hi Tony,

It all sounds very Monty Pythonesque to me, does it feel like there must be a camera somewhere?
