
01 September 2010

The Bowtie

Exciting news.

Last night I found out further information - first hand - about the Brazillian bowtie.

Firstly you are shown to a cubicle where you are greeted by a stripperella (their term). Said stripperella gets down to the business of waxing with all the efficiency and charm of a ... err ... stripperella.

This involves some general chit chat along the lines of "I haven't seen your friend Sarah here for a while?" and "Oooh - it's been a while yeah?". References to jungles are not uncommon. Each sentence from the stripperella is usually followed by a swish, a ripping sound and a muted gasp. Ergo her questions remain largely unanswered.

Once the waxing is complete, the bowtie cross-sell kicks in. When Stripperella has completed her task, you are discarded on the bench - the skin is raw and tender, with pores exposed. This is when she makes her final move. As it was being explained to me, metaphors like "prey" and "Serengeti" popped into my head.

As you lay there in a mild state of shock, Stripperella suggests that you may like a temporary tattoo of a bowtie to mark out the ground she's just cleared. Clearly, nothing would please you more.

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