
23 October 2010

Indonesian Non Sequitur Number 13

Today when I was in Starbucks (yes Starbucks) having a morning coffee, a general announcement came on the PA of the mall.

It was in helpfully in English:

"Ladies and gentleman,

"Your sentence please. We are pronouncing that our here test. Please remind where you are standing now."

An Indonesian version followed - its instructions were probably a little clearer.

Then the English version followed again, only this time we had to remind where we were sitting.

It's all so confusing, if a more inclusive.

Then again, I'll always remember where I was sitting at that moment. This probably means that I followed their instructions to the letter. Obedient me.


Cheesel said...

Just like knowing where you were when JFK died.

Lisa said...

meatballs in tomato sauce