
05 May 2009

Stil smiling

Two fantastic things happened when I got home this evening.

Firstly, I checked my Stilnox box to see how much I had left from the prescription. Trays just kept tumbling out ... it was like a Tardis for drug addicts. I still have 28 left from the original 20! Of course I recognise how tragic this excitment is, but there you are. 

You gotta love those French doctors:  they totally respect the need to tranquilise, pacify, stupefy, mollify and otherwise medicate their population on request. I think France used to have the highest per capita rate of prescriptions in the world and I think my new doctor would have done her bit I'm not sure if it's still on the podium but I do like my new doctor. I felt so Hollywood as I pulled out tray after tray of pills. It was like a Heath Ledger before shot.

Secondly, my cleaners still love me, even after yesterday morning (in a  mot pas) I greeted the shy 22yo cleaner with a hearty "Good Morning Grandpa".

I found this hand-written note was on my coffee table when I got home.

On first reading I thought it was cute. However, I am now starting to fear that they are having creepy daydreams about me writhing around on a non-stick bath mat. And I don't know why.

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